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Next.js 15 RC: What's New and What to Expect

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    Roy Bakker

Next.js 15 RC is the latest version of the popular React framework that has been released by Vercel. This version comes with various new features and improvements that will help developers build faster and more efficient web applications. One of the main improvements that Next.js 15 RC brings is the support for React 19 RC, which includes new features for both the client and server like Actions.

In addition to the support for React 19 RC, Next.js 15 RC also introduces improved caching and new features like Partial Prerendering and the next/after module. One of the most exciting updates is the experimental support for the React Compiler, which improves performance by automatically optimizing component rendering. This reduces the amount of manual memoization developers have to do through APIs such as useMemo and useCallback.

Vercel has always been known for its focus on performance and Next.js 15 RC is no exception. With this release, Vercel has made it even easier for developers to build fast and efficient web applications. Whether you're building a small website or a large-scale application, Next.js 15 RC is definitely worth checking out.

New Features and Enhancements

TurboPack Integration

One of the most exciting new features in Next.js 15 RC is the integration of TurboPack. This powerful new tool allows for much faster builds and better performance, making it easier than ever to create full-stack web applications with exceptional speed and efficiency. With TurboPack, you can enjoy up to 700x faster build times, as well as a host of other benefits like improved caching and reduced memory usage.

React 19 Support

Another major enhancement in Next.js 15 RC is the addition of support for React 19 RC. This latest version of the popular JavaScript library includes a number of new features and improvements for both the client and server, including a new Actions API for handling user interactions and a new compiler that improves performance and reduces bundle size. With React 19 support, you can take advantage of these new features and enjoy even better performance and functionality in your Next.js applications.

Partial Prerendering (PPR)

Partial Prerendering (PPR) is another exciting new feature in Next.js 15 RC. This powerful new tool allows you to selectively prerender parts of your application, improving performance and reducing load times. With PPR, you can easily create dynamic web applications that load quickly and efficiently, even on slower connections or less powerful devices.

App and Pages Router

Finally, Next.js 15 RC includes a number of new enhancements to the App and Pages Router. These updates make it easier than ever to create complex routing structures and handle dynamic content, while also improving performance and reducing load times. With these enhancements, you can create even more powerful and flexible Next.js applications that deliver exceptional performance and functionality.

Overall, Next.js 15 RC is an exciting new release that brings a host of powerful new features and enhancements to the table. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started with Next.js, these new tools and capabilities are sure to help you create even better web applications with exceptional speed and efficiency. So why not give Next.js 15 RC a try today and see what it can do for you?

Upgrading and Migration

From Next.js 14 to 15

Upgrading from Next.js 14 to 15 is a simple process. To upgrade to the latest version of Next.js, you can use NPM or Yarn. First, update your Next.js version in your package.json file to the latest version. Then, run the following command:

npm install next@latest


yarn add next@latest

It is important to ensure that all of your dependencies are compatible with Next.js 15. This includes checking the compatibility of any plugins or packages that you are using. If you are using TypeScript, you should also upgrade @types/react and @types/react-dom to their latest versions.

Using the RC in Development

If you want to try out the latest features of Next.js 15 before it is officially released, you can use the Release Candidate (RC) version. To use the RC in development, you can create a new Next.js app using the following command:

npx create-next-app@rc my-app

This will create a new Next.js app using the latest RC version. You can then start the development server using the following command:

npm run dev


yarn dev

It is important to note that the RC version is not intended for production use and may contain bugs or other issues. It is recommended to use the official release version of Next.js for production applications.

In summary, upgrading to Next.js 15 from version 14 is a simple process, and using the RC in development allows you to try out the latest features before they are officially released. It is important to ensure that all of your dependencies are compatible with Next.js 15, and to use the official release version for production applications.